How much does it cost to remove a tree?
While no one likes cutting down or removing trees from their property, sometimes it’s necessary. Whether it’s a dead tree, tree that’s in danger of falling or a tree that, simply, is too close to a home for comfort, there are plenty of reasons to take that next step and take it down for good. The big question, then: how much will the tree removal cost be to remove a tree from your property?
Like anything, costs can vary based on a host of factors—essentially, the effort required to remove the tree and where, exactly, it’s positioned on your property. By understanding these considerations you’ll be better able to estimate costs and, from there, determine next steps—including contacting Mister Tree for a comprehensive assessment and removal.
Tree Condition
Is your tree leaning? Is the trunk split? Are there visible cavities or decay? Over time, trees can develop various conditions that make them hard—or even dangerous—to remove. While our expert team can handle trees in any condition, certain trees require additional steps.
If your tree has any of these conditions—a clear lean, multiple or split trinks, weak branches or visible cavities and decay—our professional arborists will inspect the area before taking action. This will help us devise a plan that’s safe and efficient, saving you headaches, hassles and costs in the short- and long-term.
During our initial inspection we’ll quickly determine if the tree is dead or alive. While, sometimes, dead trees are easier to remove—they’re weak, brittle and tend to cut very easily—they can also, again, be dangerous to take down.
To safeguard our team and your property, we take added precautions when dealing with dead trees, especially if trees are in an urban or otherwise densely-populated area—a downtown, for example, or busy pedestrian spot. Dead trees can easily crack, break or fall especially during inclement weather and we want to ensure you, your family and your employees are safe before, during and after tree removal.
Not surprisingly, thicker trees are harder to remove which directly impacts time and cost. Very thick trunks may need to be sectioned first then removed—this can add even more time.
During our free consultation we’ll walk you through this and other considerations and provide an accurate estimate on the spot. This will ensure you’re ready to move forward while addressing any questions or next steps that arise.
Need an estimate for your tree removal? Get in touch. Our expert team and arborists are available anytime to assess your trees and determine safe, efficient and cost-effective next steps.